
When moral failure occurs an altar is created for the sole purpose of a sacrifice that will be offered to cleanse the person of their moral failure or should we call it "sin". As time goes on these altars don't go away, they continue to cry out for the sacrifice which many people can identify with guilt and condemnation. Drinking, drugs and lifes distractions doesnt silence them and make them go away.

In the Old Testament or Covenant these altars we're satisfied with animal sacrifices as a temporary fix. In the New Covenant Jesus is our ultimate sacrifice.
Now you could of made Jesus Christ the lord of your life but never applied his blood to the altars in your life which scream out for justice. The Bible tells us that he has, passed tense, "cleansed us from all unrighteousness by his blood." So now you need to apply his Blood to the altars in your life that scream out daily for a sacrifice and silence them once and for all.
