Roots, Shoots and Fruits

By Donald Mitchell

So many people want to deal with the symptoms of a problem or the part of the problem that is showing. A Preacher recently visited my Church where he preached on the evils of pornography and all the harm it can cause in someones life. He even told the story on how he had to take a TV out of his hotel room because it had porn running on it. He talked on how Satin uses you watching porn to disqualify you from Godly assignments and that how we need to stay away from porn in our lives. I believe that he only addressed the problem, never going after the root.

Let me give you an example. The head of a dandelion showing was the problem, eliminating the dandelion head to others looked to be the answer but left the source of the problem still in tact the root. The root was still there ready to reproduce another flower.

So what was the root you ask? The root was a thought. That thought started as a seed that was blowing in the winds of life. You have been seeded by a person with this problem, possibly a co-worker , neighbor, family member or the very common way through television.
