Right Gift in the Wrong Place

By Donald Mytnik

In the body of Christ it was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers.
The gifts are in important in the Body of Christ, but you can be the right gift in the wrong place.

As in a car engine two different things are required to make an engine run one oil, two water. You can't put the oil in the radiator and the water in the engine and expect the engine to run very long before it sputters and dies out.

The same with the body of Christ, an Evangelist in place of a Pastor is like oil in a radiator. Just because you don't have water doesn't mean you can stick something else in the radiator just because it's available. The thing to do is find out who among can provide the water, no matter how long it might take you. By getting the oil and water in the proper place it will make things run smooth and you're on your way to your destination.

Also oil and water will repel each other even though both are necessary for a successful journey.
