Soon the United States Government will be voting on whether to allow the rest of the world to divide up Israel and annex part of their promised land to make a Palestinian state. Going against the promise that God made to Abraham, Isac and Jacob.
The countries that vote along with the annexation of God's promised land will find themselves fighting against God himself. If they vote to divide Israel then division is headed to their households and their countries.
Make no mistake the Church of The Lord Jesus Christ better wake up and stand up united for Israel publicly or division is headed her way too for those who sit by and are silent. As it was in the 1980's when main stream ministers got caught up in sex and power grabs that cost them their Churches and their positions. These men couldn't discern the situation at hand, which caused divisions and a falling away, example: Heritage USA the PTL scandal. So will it be today that many prominent ministers will argue and fight and be divided over what is TRUTH. Since they denied Israel truth with their silence they will be denied the ability to discern right from wrong and bring great division in the body of Christ.
I see recently that many articles are being written by Christian authors exposing other alleged Christian ministers for lack of ethics and for wrong theologies. Examples: God's love doesn't allow people to go to Hell , finding common ground between Christianity and Islam in today's Christian culture. The Church is headed for division if we don't stand up for Israel publicly. The young sprouts of division are starting to show their heads and time is not waiting for us.
Yours In Christ Jesus,
Donald Mytnik